Tried milking today!

Welp today was my first time trying to milk Lady. She is a Nigerian Dwarf and such a sweet girl. Rebes has gotten quite good and coached me through the motions, but I think the first of my many (tiny) squirts yielded about as much as a mosquito sneeze. Every now and then, though, I’d do something just right and feel the teet fill with milk and was able to get a decent squirt or so out. Meanwhile that sweet girl was up on her stand just munching away at her grains. I’m not sure what all Rebes mixes in there. I think alfalfa pellets and some other things. It’s neat to put em in the bucket and see Lady hop right up on the stand without further prompting. Then there is a little head “trap” that keeps her from running off. I’ll have to take a picture of it…

Continue Reading Tried milking today!

Welcoming Lady Shiva

Hurray we picked her up this past Sunday – 21 November 2021! 🙂 Okay I’ll admit… I don’t really have all the details for her – Rebes does – but…